Dog health issues by breed type

Dog health issues by breed type

Dr Lizzie Youens BSc(Hons) BVSc

Dogs have evolved a long way from their wild ancestors, and are now a truly diverse species, coming in a huge variety of sizes, body shapes, coat types, features and personalities. Both humans and dogs have benefitted from canine domestication (they are man’s best friend, after all!), but the rigorous selection of certain genetic traits has its downsides.  Many of our most popular breeds today have certain physical features that bring some associated health issues. 

If you’re on the hunt for your next perfect pooch, you may be wondering which breed of dog has the least health problems. Well, there certainly are some breeds that seem to have more than their fair share of inherited medical conditions, but truth be told it is hard now to find a purebred dog breed with no health issues!

It’s always best to be informed about your choices when it comes to dog breed health problems, so we’ve put together a handy guide to dog health issues by breed type so that you can make an educated choice when researching your pet’s needs. 



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