There is an awful lot to be said for getting children used to pets of all types while they are still young, as this can help to foster a lifelong love of animals, respect for the diversity of life, and a sense of responsibility in the world’s future pet owners. Keeping a pet or several pets as part of your family can also ensure that your kids are not afraid of animals, learn how to handle and care for them properly and safely, and grow up to be lifelong animal lovers.
When it comes to larger pets rather than the types that are kept in tanks or cages, it is often considered to be dogs that are the best pick for families with children, as dogs are more robust, outgoing and likely to be happy to play at all times. They are also, in many ways, easier to read and interpret, and will generally take children’s mishaps and sometimes overenthusiastic play in their stride. However, it would be wrong to rule out the noble cat as a good pet for families with children, or to think that they are not really an appropriate choice. Young children should be carefully supervised with cats to ensure that they respect your cat’s personal space and neither inadvertently harm the cat or get hurt themselves, but this is also the case with dogs and all other pets as well.
If you are wondering about adding a feline friend to your growing human family, read on to learn about eight of the best cat breeds for families with children.
The Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is a large, robust cat that is often a keen hunter, and enjoys lots of time spent outside, taking part in activity and play. While they like to roam freely and not be tied down, they do tend to be very loyal with their families, and often very affectionate with kind children. They are also more than likely to try to encourage your child into a game once they have established that the little people are keen to interact with them!
The Ragdoll
The Ragdoll is probably the most kindly natured cat in the world, and one that is vanishingly unlikely to scratch or bite. If anything, it is important to make sure that your children learn to respect your cat and know when to call an end to play, as the Ragdoll is not like most other cats and will not generally react in a negative manner to overzealous children when they have had enough.
The Siamese Cat
The Siamese cat is cold, moody and aloof, right? Wrong! The Siamese cat is an incredibly loyal and loving pet for all ages, and they form strong bonds with their families. While Siamese cats can sometimes become jealous if they are not the centre of attention, if your Siamese cat bonds with your child, they are likely to become firm friends for life! The Siamese is also very intelligent, and will be happy to get involved in games and play with your child. Your child may even be able to teach the cat to fetch!